I ask you to think again…

As soon as you hear the words “Recruitment Agency” I know those pound signs are flashing in your eyes. Well, I simply ask you to read on and then think again. I hear it so often, “It’s cheaper and easier to do it myself” …does this sound familiar? Of course; Indeed, Facebook and word of …

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How to hand in your notice

How to hand in your notice…the right way Research shows that 31st January is the day British workers are most likely to hand in their resignation. (The Crunch.co.uk Jan 2017) Following the January payslips, managers across the UK expect that they may face some casualties from the “soul searching” and New Year’s resolutions the Christmas holidays allow us …

For freedom, have we become trapped?

I write this on my laptop, with not one, but two phones next to me, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp pinging in the background. Ignoring the sound of that I ask myself, have we trapped ourselves striving to find freedom? Take mobile phones for example. Created to give us the freedom of accessing calls, texts, and …

Does Size Matter?

Attracting great talent in today’s job market can prove difficult. Following the initial candidate surge post-recession, the candidate pool began to dry up as candidates gave more serious thought to moving. People began to focus on security, favouring longevity and stability, over the lure of an exciting new chapter. Something that affects whether a candidate …